SERVICES / Control of Organic Companies

Organic agricultural products processing and/or marketing, and in the production of organic food and feed Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production rules and specified in the applicable national provisions and regulations are applied. The processing of processed organic foods should be carried out at a time or place separate from non-organic foods. The production of processed organic feed is carried out separately at the place or time of production of processed non-organic feed.

The processor / trader should not be prohibited by the responsible inspection or control body from introducing products manufactured according to the organic production method to the market in accordance with the prescribed Regulation.

Entrepreneurs ensure the collection, packaging, transportation and storage of organic products and products produced during the transition to organic production in accordance with the rules set out in Regulation (EU) 2018/848, Annex 3.

  • Processing of Organic Products

    Processing of Organic Products

    Organic and non-organic raw materials processing separately, in time or location - day / shift according to (i.e. the day or shift of the production of organic products, the production of conventional products made of) these requirements must be performed in place and self-monitoring should be documented and retained as part of the system.

    The raw materials to be processed must be of proven organic origin. Each delivery must be accompanied by copies of a certificate of valid authenticity.

    The entrepreneur must have documented the technological processes and parameters in the production of organic product(s). The purpose of the documentation and subsequent provision of records is to ensure and prove the effective separation of the organic product from the conventional product(s) at any point in the technological process.

    It is necessary for the entrepreneur to have written procedures for cleaning and disinfection on site before using organic components.

    The entrepreneur is required to keep strict records of the quantities of organic products produced and sold, and this information can be submitted to the certification body at any time.

  • Storage of Organic Products

    Storage of Organic Products

    The production and storage sites of organic products and the adjacent lands should be kept clean and in good condition. jul. The design, technological plan, construction, location and dimensions of the premises at the enterprise should be carried out in such a way as to ensure proper maintenance, cleanliness and/or disinfection of the premises, as well as the prevention or minimization of air pollution.

    Conditions should be provided for the realization of good hygiene and production practices, including protection against pollution and pest control.

    Organically produced plant and herbal products are transported only by closed means, which does not allow changing the contents, without compromising the integrity of the seal. The entry control of all raw materials intended for use in organic food is part of the organic production system. Each delivery is entered in an entry control registry, indicating the type, quantity of organic raw materials, raw materials, supplier, batch number, expiration date, storage conditions and location.

  • Transportation of Organic Products

    Transportation of Organic Products

    Physical contamination should be avoided by using the same agricultural machinery for october and harvesting, as well as for transportation, or using the same storage facilities for genetically modified crops and organic crops.

    In the field of organic production, the distance to which production and carbon emissions are transported is of great importance. Some standards maintained by organizations/associations do not allow export by air. Only pesticides or cleaning agents approved for use in organic farming can be sprayed on the goods to be transported.

    Packaging and transportation of organic products should be carried out and labeled only in appropriate packages, the contents of which are sealed so that they cannot be changed.

  • All production units on site for processing and/or trade are subject to control, including those managed in a non-organic way.

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